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12th May 2014

12 May 2014 –

Miss Bennett is getting very bossy and even getting bigger than me.   Mum said that is because her father was HUGE!   He was a Maremma and they love to look after things and they are very big.  

I am still the boss though and Mum said I am doing very well about being the boss and that I have to keep it up because, guess what, we are getting two new puppies in September ( that is Save the Koala Month ).  So that is really going to keep me on my toes and because I will be nearly 4 years old by then, Mum thinks I am up for the job.

I have so many jobs.  Not chasing wildlife, not going near snakes at Quinlans, not being jealous of Miss Bennett (who can annoy me sometimes) and of course being the Mascot for the AKF. Boy that keeps me so busy.  

Mum said that I am really clever and that I deserve my role as mascot so that makes me very happy.  I just wish that Mum didn’t have to go to work every day.  It is so great when she is home. But, it will be great because when the puppies come, Miss Bennett will have to stay home to look after them and I,

I, will be going to Quinlans with Mum! Hooray.


18th June 2014

18 June 2014 –

This is my cat brother, Mick and we love each other. It is cold here in our house and Mum lets us sit by the fire because it is winter time. He hogs it! But I don't mind because I am a good do...


10th March 2014

10 March 2014 –

Hi everyone, Miss Bennett and I are now quite peaceful about the loss of our family, Tim and Polly but we miss them every day. Mum said that this must be what Koala families feel when one of their ...


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