The sun is shining and I am very glad the rain is gone. Mum and I have had a great holiday and guess what, Tim has decided to play teddy with me. Mum gives us all lots of teddies and usually he plays tug of war with Polly, but now he wants me to play. Whooppeee! The Queens and I are very good friends and they don’t seem to mind if I sort of run at them, which gives them a bit of a fright (but it is fun). I heard a rumour that my sister Polly hurt a chook (that is Australian for chicken), when she was little and she got into terrible trouble. She always looks very upset when I play a little hard with the chickens. She still doesn’t like me much, so she won’t tell me what she did when she was little. Even so, I am not so little any more. I can now go on longer walks now and pretty much I do everything Tim and Polly do, well, that isn’t quite true. They swim in the creek, I am a little bit scared about that yet. I want to, but gee, it does look scary. The top step of the pool for me right now, and Mum is teaching me to swim in the pool but makes sure I know how to get back and out of the pool. Gee, she is a good Mum to me. She says we have a busy year, but today, well, I suppose I am still on hols!

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17th January 2011
17 January 2011 –
28th January 2011
28 January 2011 –
Sad news. The Queens (chickens) have drowned in our pool. Mum is really sad and just didn’t think they would try and swim in the pool. Mum told me this happens to koalas and that everyone has to pu...
11th January 2011: Me with the two Queens
11 January 2011 –
Just thought I would put up a photo of the Queens (see yesterday's entry for details) for you all to look at. ...