I know you don’t want to hear this, but I have been sick again with ticks. Mum rushed home because Tim had one. Our gorgeous “Shell” who baths us found one on Tim, but my sneaky little ticks were sitting so close to my skin that everyone missed them. Tim was fine and Mum thinks it is because he is older than me (I am still little). Anyway we rushed to the Vet and he gave me that nasty injection again and then Mum put me in the garage where it was lovely and quiet and dark and I could sleep for two days. I am feeling much better thank you and now I spend the day on the verandah with lots of toys and bones. Mum says I have to do that until I am a big boy and the tick season is gone. Mum thinks the ticks are worse because we have bandicoots, but they are so good for the environment, we cannot complain about that and Mum also thinks the ticks are used to all the nasty stuff we have on our coat, so she is now using geranium oil – she read about that somewhere. I smell beautiful now and we are not sure that it works but none of us have had ticks since she started. We get it on us every morning before Mum goes to work. Gosh I miss her when she goes. I think she is going away soon for something called Christmas and that Jenny our babysitter is coming. I love her, but I am hoping this all isn’t true. Quinlans in a couple of weeks and I will get to eat some pizza out of our new Cob Oven. Have you bought things for your friends for Christmas? You can on Mum’s website .

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18th November 2011
18 November 2011 –
12th December 2011
12 December 2011 –
Mum is going on holidays soon and I don’t think I am going with her. Life will be busy though because we have people who come and go and look after all of us which is just great and the time w...
6th June 2011
6 November 2011 –
Mum is going away to somewhere called San Diego. She is picking up something special. She is going to be gone for a long time but there is a lovely lady called Caroline looking after me and Tim and Po...