My Commander-in-Chief is in Canberra and today she saw the first step in getting the Koala’s very own piece of legislation that will help to save koalas in the wild. Senator Bob Brown and Senator Larissa Waters tabled a Koala Protection Bill in our Parliament. This is a huge step and the beginning of either a short or long journey to its fruition, which would be a Koala Protection Act.
Basically, a Bill is introduced into Parliament and our Parliamentarians can either agree yes or no to its passing. Then once the majority says yes, it becomes an Act.
Given the way a lot of politicians think about koalas , I suspect it could be a long battle, but who knows, particularly with you, our Koala Army cheering it on through all its stages. What person wants to say outright “no, sorry, not happy to protect the Koala”.
So recruits, I need you to rally, rally your friends, rally your family and work colleagues to join my Koala Army .