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24th December 2013

24 December 2013 –

Merry Christmas everyone and particularly say hello to all the dogs and cats in your family.

Our family is a little sad at the moment because my big sister Polly died about 10 days ago and then her twin brother Tim was so sad that he died on Friday. Mum said that because they had never been apart (they were twins) and that they spent such a long time together that he could not live without her. I wonder whether I will be like that with Miss Bennett? Mum said some animals have a special bond, even people do too and that it is very hard to live without each other.

Mum said there was a keeper at Lone Pine who died and then all her favourite Koalas died not long after. Mum said it is very difficult to understand all these things even if you are human, let alone being a dog – even a very clever dog. Anyway it is so hot here and there will be lots of swimming in the pool and to all my northern hemisphere friends, it will be snowing.  Isn’t the world just a beautiful place?

Mum also says that 2014 is going to be a very busy year, because lots of things are going wrong in the bush. I am ready to help and I hope you will be too. Thanks to everyone who reads my blog and I heard the other day that lots of children read me before I am such a good writer, so thank you to all those people and if I ever meet any of you, I will wag my tail and smile.  Mum says I have a lovely smile.

See you next year


22nd January 2014

22 January 2014 –

Happy New Year! My mum says that it is 2014 now and a new year. This means that we are going to work even harder to save the Koalas. I really like helping save the Koala, it's a big person job but ...


19th November 2013

19 November 2013 –

I know, I know, I haven’t been writing much fun stuff lately because, well, it has just been busy.    Christmas is coming and I think I wrote to everyone about getting Dog Tags for Xmas �...


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