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save a koala

5th November 2015

5 November 2015 –

OK – I know he looks cute.   Everyone says so, but honestly if you saw him chasing the chickens around our garden you would ABSOLUTELY be shocked at his behaviour.

When I was little I used to listen to Mum when she said “no Mr. Darcy”, but truly, Charlie; well he is so naughty.

It just shows that it takes a lot to train a dog not to run after things.

Miss Bennett seems to be on top of it all and he really listens to her when she says No – in a dog way.  I just sit back because I am now the elder of the group and of course I have so much to do to help Save the Koala.

Mum said Charlie will get the hang of it all and the chicken seems to even enjoy being with Charlie – he has not hurt one of them so don’t worry about them.  I know this is like “dobbing” on a friend.    I don’t think I would about a friend, but Charlie is like a naughty little brother so I feel I can share my feelings with you.

So Mum is very excited because she has written a book (coming soon), and the Koala Army is in full swing – have you  written to the Prime Minister?

Over and out –  Corporal Darcy (that is my rank).  

PS. I think Charlie will stay a Private at this rate!


11th November 2015

11 November 2015 –

  Hi everyone, Well, I thought I was the only writer in the family, but turns out I was wrong! Mum’s released her very first book, and it’s really, really good! It's called Koal...


25the September 2015

25 September 2015 –

Happy Save The Koala Day everyone! Mum said she was off to visit some Koalas at Lone Pine to celebrate. She gave me a stern look on the way out because I snapped at Charlie.  I've decided I...


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