In the weeks leading up to Minister Burke’s decision on 30 th April the campaign in favour of the koala really ramped up. We received plenty of interest from the world’s leading news organisations and our Facebook is just littered with news articles. I do not think anyone on this planet could not know about the koala listing. Even after two decades of handling media, it was an incredibly challenging time with three phones ringing off the hook but it was so worth it – getting that message to the world was great.
Over the last few weeks, I asked you to recommence letter writing to Minister Tony Burke and the response we received was overwhelming. Although our predicted outcome of a partial protection became a reality, I want to reassure you that your efforts have not been in vain. We have been preparing for this outcome for a number of months and I feel confident about our strategy going forwards. Throughout the May newsletter you’ll find plenty of ways to get involved as we share with you our key focus for the future.
In the last newsletter we introduced our newest staff members and in doing so neglected to highlight the amazing work of our long term employees. Rose, Jill and Lorraine are still with us and loving having a new team to help keep the AKF running smoothly and efficiently. Their experience and dedication to the cause is highly valued by the new young team. We are very lucky to have them. From over 1500kms away, Dave Mitchell the AKF’s Landscape Ecologist and Spatial Analyst forms the scientific division of the AKF. Dave’s expert insight greatly contributes to AKF’s position as one of the country’s foremost koala research bodies. His skills in GIS mapping, statistical analysis and field data collection, among many others, allow the AKF to provide advice on policy and planning decisions. Dave’s work is crucial to the ongoing success of the AKF and we thank him for many years of service.
As always, I have been extremely busy working to bring about the legislative change needed to save the koala. In the past month, I have travelled to Melbourne and Hobart to meet with a range of people including Senator Bob Brown to discuss his support for a Koala Protection Act.
I value your emails to me. I know many of you read my Diary and I love to hear from you. Our continued voice for the koala is essential.
Yours sincerely,