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Guide to Democracy

13 January 2025 –

Hello Koala Lovers,

I wrote the Diary below last week in readiness for today, but it cannot go out without mention of the fires in California.

Mother Nature is wreaking her fury on this part of the world and for all our American supporters, our hearts go out to you and your country . Australia knows fire; in 2019, even our own land, Little Oakey was burnt beyond recognition and thankfully over time it is starting to recover.  Nature knows how to recover, and it takes time. Us humans however can be devasted for decades after such events and our political leaders are going to have to really step up and I am confident they feel in unfamiliar territory.

As I watch the blame game, I feel sorry for those currently having to make very difficult decisions, which should have been made before. As the USA goes forward, they and other countries are now going to have to be more prescient in their thinking to realise this is not going to go away.

Our federal election is coming up and our politicians, in my view do not have any sort of vision for our future, except political donations, protection of their power bases and sometimes personal gain. Fires, flood, disease and famine are in our future and Mother Nature is asking us all to think, look and listen. Are we?

Happy New Year Koala Lovers,

My team and I have had a terrific Christmas. I am back with great enthusiasm for a new year, where hopefully we will elect a new and more energetic government for the future of our environment, the Koala and all creatures great and small.

In recent days we have re-launched our Democracy Booklet which outlines the Australian democratic process and the procedure for any government to enact a Koala Protection Act . I have been interviewed by several media and the discussions have been very interesting.

Australia has compulsory voting. I am proud of that, but I know that many other countries do not see this as favourable.

Colleagues in the US have said that it is against my human rights to force me to vote and I do not agree. I disagree very strongly. So how did I form my political views and what made me interested in how our governments govern?

My mum and dad would always talk to me about WW2 (and the Depression) and what they had experienced. My father particularly was very vocal about geo-politics and I am still a history buff about all that to this day. They both also saw the last Tasmanian Tiger in 1936 and even extinction was discussed in our home.

The Democracy Booklet does not tell people who to vote for but explains that our vote is important and that it can change history if we, as citizens take our right seriously.

You can have a look here and as I said in one interview, it should be on the kitchen table of all Australian households. I am worried that our young people may not see the need to vote and many do not even know who their local politicians are federally , at a state level , or even local council ; the 3 tiers of government that are essential for a democratic society. You can print the document here . I hope you find it useful and perhaps it can be used to explain to younger folk about why it is so important for them to take voting seriously.

Leadership is everything and many in our community may not see the need for a hierarchy But leadership, good leadership is essential in any crisis and our planet is in crisis right now. Dr. Julian Cribb writes about the problems our planet is facing . I can almost not bear to read it all; but I encourage you to do so; he believes, very simply that the planet is suffering because of over-population, over consumption and our waste.

I have absolutely committed to reducing my waste stream. Many know that I am obsessed about waste, and I intend this year to reduce it even more.

Maybe suggest ways that you have done so and we can place the ideas on our socials. It just staggers me that plastic is filling the ocean. How can that be?

Happy New Year and let us look forward to this Australian election and really show our Government who is in charge.



Merry Christmas

20 December 2024 –

Hello Koala Lovers, We’ve reached that point in the year where the AKF team and I take a short summer break for Christmas and New Year. As we prepare to say goodbye to 2024, I want to personal...


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