Hello Koala lovers,
Yesterday we launched the Koala Kiss Project in the Gwydir Shire
, which is west of Inverell and east of Moree in New South Wales. The AKF team and I are very excited because it is the next stage of our announcement last year to “kiss landscapes”
from Cairns to Melbourne.
Jill from our retail shop is in Warialda, the beautiful little town where the Koala Kiss Ranger will live and work and she is having a pop-up store event in a newly created Save the Koala Shopto raise funds for the position.
I think if you read our press release and also look at my video about both the project and our vision for a workshop in February next year, you will see that this is the next logical step in saving Koalas. It was interesting yesterday when I was being interviewed that I was asked “who gave you permission to do this?” I presume they meant, did we ask government? Well, no we did not ask government, because that is the beauty of AKF. We are not government funded, we are funded by you, our loyal supporters. I cannot tell you the feeling that gave me when I explained that to her.
What I have realised more and more, particularly over this last year, is that most environment projects are underpinned by government funds and they only last for two or three years and of course can then be rescinded. I am confident that with our business model, and our naturally cautious spending, our Koala Kiss Ranger will be there for many years to come, just as I have been; which I regard as a privilege.
So I look forward to your comments. And of course you will all be welcome in Warialda on the 14th and 15th of February.
With gratitude,