Hello Koala Lovers, Congratulations to President Macron of France for speaking the truth to our Prime Minister about climate change. It is fantastic to see a young world leader knowing that he has to stand up for the environment and our planet, not just for his own constituency ( watch here ).
I understand he also gave a similar message to the President of the United States. When the AKF went to the climate talks in Copenhagen in 2009 we prepared a document called Koala Trees are Carbon in the Bank . When I look at this document now, it does look a little outdated but the sentiment in that brochure is still the same. We said that protecting the Koala forests of Australia are essential for the protection of the Australian landscape. That keeping the Koala forests safe will clean our air, our water and our farming lands. Huge trees also store carbon which helps to reduce emissions. It has all been totally ignored but our message still stays the same. 80% of the original Koala forests are already gone and 85% of the world’s forests are gone. Can any of us ever image not seeing a forest on the planet? What did our planet look like when we had 100% forest cover?
(below illustrates Koala Habitat in 1788 and what remains in 2018)
Will it be possible to replace these forests? Of course – read last month’s Diary about Quinlans Regeneration. The world looked beautiful when it was covered in forests and it protected both man and beast.
The forests were filled with birds, insects and many animals that are now housed in zoos in breeding programs waiting to be released into the wild again. I realise more and more that we are just not awake about what is happening to our world. I was sitting on a train yesterday and I was the only person not looking at my phone. I am taking a few days break from my phone actually.
I also want to say that recently I watched the movie The Lorax ; and I understand that the Dr Seuss book is better. I will ensure I read it, because the story affected me greatly. Not just because there were two little children (and their granny) who had the courage to dare to make the world better, but it was a stark reminder that when we want to make things too tidy, we lose the very essence of what nature intended. Without the complexity of nature, we as human beings will be paying a huge price for years to come. President Macron clearly understands. Write to him and tell him that the Koala forests of Australia could help Australia meet our international targets. Truly, it is hard to comprehend why Prime Minister Turnbull and Minister Frydenberg have forgotten their Grade 5 geography lessons where we all learnt that trees breathe in Carbon Dioxide and breathe out Oxygen. So, back to our mantra, Prime Minister, the AKF and the Koala lovers of the world want a Koala Protection Act.
Thanks as always to you, the Koala’s supporters.