Hello Koala Lovers,
It has taken me some time to find the right words to write to the new Environment Minister, The Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP because I wanted to find the right tone.
After 33 years, I made it clear that I wanted to work with her but that I have resentments to both sides of politics that have failed to protect the Koala and its habitat. Years and years of wrangling over whether the Koala was in trouble and now it is listed as Endangered. Such an incredible waste of so many Koalas in healthy habitats. It has been tragic to watch and this Minister must stop the bulldozers.
I also commented to the Minister that I did not envy her job to now make the hard decisions that will be needed to protect the Koala and the waterways that sustain those forests. I do believe she may have the political savvy to make such decisions and here’s hoping. As you know I have written the Koala Manifesto
and I will be sending the Minister a copy of the book and the 10 things
that I think needs to happen now to protect the Koala and the thousands of other species in those forests.
I have offered the AKF’s expertise and sought a meeting with her.
I have also sent the Koala Protection Act and asked her to sign it into being. It would not require any funding, just the political will to sign the document into the parliament and let us all get on with it.
Will keep you posted.
Regards, Deborah