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blog post

Wednesday 20th October 2010

10 June 2010 –

Mum picked me up at Murgon in Queensland two days ago. I was born in the bush and I am now 8 weeks old - a perfect time to leave my birth mother. I have been very busy getting to know Dane, Polly and ...

Friday 5th November 2010

11 May 2010 –

I am not going into the office today, Mum says I have been too busy and need a rest.  Last night I got put to bed early as usual because there were a lot of yukky things called “canetoads” ru...

May 2010

1 May 2010 –

Sorry it has been over a month since I last wrote to you, but I have been extremely busy both in the office and out in the bush. As you will see in this film clip (click here to watch the clip), one ...

Wednesday 3rd November 2010

11 March 2010 –

I have mastered not chasing the chooks. Jayne, my friend at home, said I was "walking with chooks, not dancing with wolves". She is very proud of me about that. Then I went to Quinlans and had a baby-...

March 2010

28 February 2010 –

There has been an overwhelming response to my last diary and I want to thank you all for sending me your thoughts. I have read every one and there were so many great ideas. I want you to know that I a...

March 2010

28 February 2010 –

Over the last few weeks I have been talking with my Chairman and our Board about the way forward for 2010. Next year the AKF will be 25 years old and we are all very proud of what we have achieved in ...

January 2010

31 December 2009 –

Hi, and welcome to my first diary for 2010. I have been back in the chair for a week now and it has been a bit of a struggle after too many days of just being able to relax. As the week went on I got ...

December 2009

30 November 2009 –

  Hi everyone, only three days until I leave for Copenhagen, and the simple message I want to take to the world is that the koala trees of Australia must be saved. Last week at the APSA award...

December 2009

30 November 2009 –

Latest News: Video: Deborah Tabart's video message to Prime Minister Rudd Video: Deborah Tabart's message to President Obama Video: Girl Guide Aby's message to the world Video: Car...

November 2009

31 October 2009 –

On 10th November 2009 in Canberra, the capital city of Australia, a group of scientists (including two AKF scientists Dr Douglas Kerlin and Mr David Mitchell) will be deciding whether the koala should...


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