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Respect the past

30 January 2019 –

Happy New Year Koala Lovers,

I have had a lovely break and I have been back at work for a couple of weeks. I had a great rest and time for reflection and I am truly looking forward to 2019 and to work with the team at AKF and you, our generous supporters.

Over Christmas, it has been truly hot. There have been fires and of course the ghastly fish kills that many of you have heard about.

Although this is not Koala habitat, the root problem is the same. Lack of water. We have seen lot of images of Koalas drinking water over Christmas too and although it looks cute – it shows that the heat in the bush is causing major problems.

When a Koala wants to drink a lot of water, it usually means that it may already be sick and of course the right place for a healthy Koala is sitting in a gumtree overhanging a gorgeous billabong or river system.


Last year, I spoke at a lot of clubs. Gardening clubs, Rotary Clubs, Service Clubs and I could tell that people in my generation are concerned.

Environmental ministers

We know what the bush used to look like and I suppose too, we also know what a healthy parliamentary system looks like.

One of the reasons I continue to feel that I have a role to play for the future is that if you have respect for the past, then you will have respect for the future. Aboriginal elders have taught me this over the years. They will often not make a decision unless they look at 7 generations back and 7 forward. How many of us “white fellas” do this these days. Our political leaders change their focus after reading the last opinion poll, not at what the community needs and as we approach a federal election, probably in May, we are going to see huge contests, particularly with independents trying to remove old and outdated thinkers who have sat in their chairs for too long. I long for some of them to be removed.

Let me give you a list of some of the environment ministers , that have, over my 30 year career done nothing to protect the landscapes of Australia.

I note many of them now are standing on TV saying all sorts of marvellous things, but I have been around long enough to know they are just full of hot air.

How would a Koala Protection Act help Australia? It would protect every single tree on the edge of the riparian areas (that means creeks, billabongs, river systems, big and small). So, bring it on and we will get it, because we the AKF have you, the people and the Koala Army behind us.

KingfisherBy the way, over summer I had the privilege of watching the little Sacred Kingfisher raise his (or her) family and there are now 3 new baby kingfishers filling the Australian bush.

The Koala forests of Australia house millions of species – that is why I know that if the AKF is able to enact a Koala Protection Act, then we will have done good. I am truly tired of those still waiting for something to be written. It is like Neverland – it never comes.

As always,


Just a heads up, a book entitled the Koala Manifesto will be published over the coming months. AKF will cover the cost of those books and Enviroprint who have been our supporter for nearly 30 years will be the printer. Donate $100.00 or more to receive your own personalized copy, signed by Deborah and the author! Let us know you have donated.

I have a feeling this book is going to change Australia’s future forever.


Floods, Fire and Drought

26 February 2019 –

Hello Koala lovers, Last week I was in Western New South Wales and as I drove west, I kept on coming across bridges with the words “Overflow”. It reminded me of the famous poem by Banjo Paterso...


Where do you fit in?

20 December 2018 –

Hi Koala lovers, This is my last diary for the year and I have so much to say that I do not know what to write. 2018 has been a tumultuous year, not just here in Australia, but all around the world...


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