Well, Mum and I have been at Quinlans and we have BEEN VERY BUSY. Even though Ian does most of the work, Mum and I always put up the memorial tags and Mum absolutely loves doing that – she says it makes her feel so grateful to people who care enough to support our work and that she also thinks about what is important in life.
I usually swim in the billabong while Mum does all the hard work, but today, well, I told Mum that THERE IS A SNAKE MUM.
Mum said “well done Mr. Darcy” and I was very pleased. I am a little scared of snakes. Mum isn’t actually and she even noticed that someone on our Facebook said kill snakes.
No, we must love all wildlife. I just have a good eye so I can WARN people when it might be dangerous.
Now, I am back to Brisbane. It is nearly September 1 and well, guess what Save the Koala Month is here. What are you doing to celebrate? Oh and by the way did you see me on Gardening Australia . I thought I did a great job!!!
Over and out
Mr. Darcy