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Carbon Capacity of Koala Forests

Koala trees remain our best chance at beating climate change.

Australia’s Koala forests make up around 20% of Australia’s total landmassand are sacred ‘carbon vaults’.

Not only do they reduce Australia’s overall emissions by absorbing and storing carbon, they are also home to our nation’s most loved creatures.

The majority of biomass carbon in natural forests resides in the woody biomass of large old trees.

Prof. Brendan Mackey

'Green Carbon'


of Australia’s Koala forests have already been lost

For such an incredibly complex issue as climate change, Australia’s solution is simple. Protect our trees,reduce our carbon emissions and save our Koalas from a slow road to extinction.

AKF has created a clear blueprint for the protection of Koala forests – the Koala Habitat Atlas , the Koala Kiss Project and the Koala Protection Act . If these initiatives were enacted with the support of Government, not only would our beloved Koalas be saved, but Australia would be the global standard for action on climate change.

Read AKF’s full Press Release here




AKF Key Initiatives


Koala Habitat Atlas

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