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The Koala Manifesto

If you cannot save the Koala,

you cannot save anything.

The Koala Manifesto calls for ten key actions that will need to happen to save the Koala, save its habitat, and in turn save thousands of other animals and fundamentally change our relationship with nature. Author Deborah Tabart OAM has headed the Australian Koala Foundation for 33 years and brings her vast experience, passion, and humour to tell the story of the Koala and offer clear and immediate steps we can take to save them and ultimately ourselves. The book is filled with vibrant illustrations that bring the story to life.

The 10 Commandments of


call for the Koala Protection Actto be enacted into law immediately,

Why we need this:

22 March 2021

Call for dramatic koala action

25 March 2021

Morrison government’s new environment commissioner ‘toothless’, conservation groups say

18 Feb 2021

Koalas are ‘at risk of extinction’ in many parts of Australia, but we can stop it

11 Feb 2021

Tougher penalties likely for illegal killing of wildlife

6 July 2021

NEFA: National Koala Recovery Plan doomed to fail

17 Jan 2021

Outdated Victorian environment laws failing wildlife: report

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US Listing of the Koala as a Threatened Species

10 March 2021

‘Ineffective’ koala policy would exempt 80% of land, NSW planning minister warned

11 Feb 2021

Proposed environment standards fall far short of recommendations

26 Feb 2021

Australian scientists warn urgent action needed to save 19 ‘collapsing’ ecosystems

17 Feb 2021

More than 100 Australian plant species entirely burnt in Black Summer bushfires, study finds

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call for a national Koala mapping standardequivalent to the Koala Habitat Atlas,

Why we need this:

16 Dec 2020

Federal Government accused of wasting time and money on koala research instead of saving habitat

Koala Habitat Atlas

30 July 2020

Maps for a Minister

4 Mar 2021

Midcoast Council koala mapping project

Bob’s Map – Koala Population Estimates

call for a moratorium on loggingof native forests, & protection of all Koala habitat; better management of plantation forests adjacent to Koala habitats; & cleared farmlands regerated,

Why we need this:

2 Feb 2021

Great Koala National Park would create thousands of jobs, study finds, but at what cost?

23 March 2021

‘We are pro-forestry’: Minister rejects call to enhance threatened species protections

9 Feb 2021

The new green paper sector doesn’t need trees

19 Feb 2021

Deforestation and Mining Increased in Tropically Forested Countries During COVID

18 April 2021

Logging Eden: NSW south coast forestry dominated by potentially illegal wood-chipping

18 May 2021

VicForests conducting more illegal logging and putting Melbourne water catchment at risk, scientists say

10 May 2021

‘The distance from Perth to London’: How a gas company cleared the Kimberley

18 Jan 2021

Forestry Corp sought to ease post-bushfire logging curbs to save jobs

17 Feb 2021

Logging to resume in bushfire-affected forests on NSW south coast despite environmental warning

2 Jul 2020

Land clearing in NSW rises nearly 60% since laws were relaxed

11 Feb 2021

Logging increases bush flammability for 30 years, research shows

26 Nov 2020

‘Timber Mafia’ threatens the future of Romania’s ancient forests

call for a Royal Commissioninto the industries and individuals who knowingly and wantonly have sought to destroy Koala habitat and kill Koalas,

Why we need this:

10 April 2021

Gas consortium seeks approval to drill 7,700 wells in Queensland, including near national parks

1 Feb 2021

Australia’s weak donation laws allowed $1bn in dark money to go to political parties over two decades

11 Feb 2021

NSW minister Matt Kean’s call for national environment watchdog at odds with federal Coalition

21 Dec 2020

Minister has the power to protect Koala habitat NOW

9 March 2021

Nature concerns spur legal bid against secret national cabinet documents

28 Feb 2021

Centennial Coal mine expansion threatens endangered sites hit by Black Summer mega blaze

22 Jul 2019

Our Precious Planet

call for a Bill of Rights for the Environmentthat respects the natural world and recognises its dependence on water,

Why we need this:

“This is essential if the Koala and all creatures great and small are to be safe.” – Deborah Tabart OAM

2 June 2021

Scientists propose urgent $824m mission to document Australia’s undiscovered plants and animals

call for all Australian rivers to run free, with dams only used for drinking water and essential purposes,

Why we need this:

3 Sep 2022

The mystery of the Murray-Darling’s vanishing flows

10 Feb 2021

Basin’s new Inspection-General Troy Grant forced to defend previous criticisms of Murray Darling Basin Plan

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9 May 2021

‘Like the anti-climate change brigade’: Water scientists under attack

9 Feb 2021

India glacier burst: Rescue workers looking for 171 people feared dead

6 June 2021

A journey down WA’s mighty Martuwarra, raging river and sacred ancestor

21 March 2021

Warragamba Dam overflows for first time in years amid NSW ‘extreme weather event’

28 Feb 2021

‘Insane’: Proposed gold mine to take coal wastewater, dam headwaters

25 Feb 2021

‘World of hurt’: Toxic blooms take over Lower Darling River as dam debate ramps up

call for all rivers & tributaries, to be fenced from stockand that stock routes are repaired and maintained for both industry and biodiversity protection,

Why we need this:

“The Koala absolutely needs creeks, waterways and river systems to be free of stock.” – Deborah Tabart OAM

call for all floodplains & riparian areas to be protected by law,

Why we need this:

26 May 2021

Indigenous groups in Murray-Darling Basin fight to have their voices heard over water rights

24 March 2021

Yes, Australia is a land of flooding rains. But climate change could be making it worse

22 Jan 2021

Wetlands have saved $27 billion in storm damage over the past five decades

30 Jan 2019

Respect the Past

5 April 2021

Floodplains aren’t separate to a river — they’re an extension of it

23 Sep 2020

NSW flood-plain harvesting curbed, setting irrigators up for tighter rules

call for all industries to harvest their own waterfrom natural rainfall – not to rely on aquifers or town water

Why we need this:

27 Jan 2021

Is Germany facing a water shortage crisis?

” Industry will not like this, but it will have to happen.” – Deborah Tabart OAM

8 Jun 2021

A Lack of Vision

23 Nov 2020

South Australia’s disappearing springs raise questions for miner BHP

23 May 2021

Australia accused of being ‘out-of-step’ on climate as G7 agrees to stop international funding for coal

call for the cancellation of all historic water rightsin Australia with existing permit holders to prove their allocation is in the best interest of all Australians,

Why we need this:

11 Feb 2021

Productivity Commission finds Australia’s water policy not up to challenge of climate change, population growth

“In my local community, I know there are 157 historical water licenses. At the time they were issued to grow food (some still do), but by and large, as the area has gentrified, it now keeps lawns green during a drought. This is the case all over Australia and no-one is watching. The plight of the Murray Darling Basin with too much water being extracted, water for sale at exorbitant prices, and water theft, must be stopped in its tracks. This waste of water and the naïve allocation of it as a monetised resource must be revoked. All landholders and permit holders must show their allocation or license for the good of all, e.g., growing food or the like to ensure a sustainable future of Australia.” – Deborah Tabart OAM

11 Feb 2021

Productivity Commission says new Australian water deal must recognise climate change


8 April 2021

Bill Mollison’s original permaculture farm to join others in huge NSW-Queensland koala corridor

25 May 2021

Adani loses billions of litres of water in Federal Court decision

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