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11th August 2014

11 August 2014 –


The Commander in Chief and her trusted Generals are currently in the Operations Room developing a strategy for the enactment of a Koala Protection Act.

The document is written but until it is tabled in Parliament it cannot be made public. When it is tabled in the House of Representatives in Canberra, there will be a call for public comment. The KPA, like the Bald Eagle Act is simple and will seek to protect the trees in the Australian landscape that are needed for my mates and thousands of other species, both flora and fauna.

By the time the next Federal election comes around the AKF will be 30 years old and they know what is needed for the Koala.  No Tree No Me.

Recruit, recruit and recruit. You will be needed soon.



Deborah’s Diary: Koala Diplomacy

19 November 2014 –

Deborah's latest Diary is now online, you can view it online here. ...


18th March 2014

18 March 2014 –

Hello Troops, The Commander and I are sorry that we have not communicated for quite a while.   There has been a changing of the Guard in Canberra and there are even more disturbing thoughts...


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