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18th March 2014

18 March 2014 –

Hello Troops,

The Commander and I are sorry that we have not communicated for quite a while.   There has been a changing of the Guard in Canberra and there are even more disturbing thoughts coming through our political leaders about the protection of the bush.

Our CIC has been watching closely and now has a clear direction for 2014, 2015 and 2016 when the people will again go to the polls.

So, back into your tee shirts and onto the streets to promote members of the Koala Army.

There is a new bunker being built at Gumtree House and soon, people from around the world will be able to visit our recruiting station.

As always, our only mission; a Koala Protection Act. It is written and ready to go. A letter has been sent to the 127 sitting members in original koala habitat  (click here) . We only need half of them plus 1 to ensure the passing of the Bill in Parliament.

We will instruct you on what to do.

Minister Hunt is the key – all he has to do is table the Bill and it could pass. Write him a letter  (click here).

Over and out.


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11th August 2014

11 August 2014 –

Recruits, The Commander in Chief and her trusted Generals are currently in the Operations Room developing a strategy for the enactment of a Koala Protection Act. The document is written but until it...


5th September 2013

5 September 2013 –

Recruits, Our Commander in Chief has written her Diary and K-Day is this Saturday. Make sure you think of the Koala on the day. When we know the new commanders of the Government will send our instr...


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