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15 June 2016

15 June 2016 –

Hello Koala lovers,

I am writing this in a little motel in Narrandera. Matilda and I arrived last night, and she was stabled in a lovely spot on the edge of the Murrumbidgee River where there is beautiful Koala habitat.

This morning I will be going with the local koala group to look at some wild Koalas.

One of the things that has really been shown to me as we travel around is that the east coast Koalas are now under so much pressure that it seems almost impossible for them to recover.

This little part of the world, particularly after the big rains that occurred in recent times, appears to be lush and there was quite a bit of hope in my heart as I drove into the town.

That said, there is much work to be done and I have found myself thinking of the future when the Koala Protection Act is in place – when the beautiful trees that I am seeing around me here are fully protected and then we must get on with "recovery". Recovery for the Koala will be a long and arduous journey.

Matilda was magnificent at Parliament House yesterday, and this story written about her appearance yesterday is the current state of play.

So we are clear, only one political party has declared support for the Koala Protection Act – and that is Sustainable Australia. You can view our press conference here.

The others, Liberal, Labor, Nationals and the Greens have all ignored our request.

Tell them you insist they support the Koala Protection Act.

You can email: Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull Leader of the Opposition Mr Bill Shorten Deputy Prime Minister Mr Barnaby Joyce ; and  Senator Mr Richard di Natale .

Or, why not Tweet them? ( here here here  &  here)

In haste and off to Coonabarabran, Gunnedah, Tamworth, Armidale, Tenterfield and home.

There is much to be done before July 2 – election day. 

Matilda sends her love.



27 June 2016

27 June 2016 –

Hello Koala lovers, Australia goes to the polls this Saturday. Matilda is still on the road spreading concern for the Koala, and of course her prime mission is to have our political leaders...


10 June 2016

10 June 2016 –

Hi Koala lovers, We have reached Day 5 on the road, and Matilda is doing great. She's been meeting journalists and locals the whole way down the east coast. As we inch closer to Canberra, I feel...


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