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19th October 2015

19 October 2015 –

Hi all,

Today I sent our Prime Minister all of our maps that show how much Koala vegetation has been lost since 1788, and how hard it is for the Koala to exist in the remaining areas. I have also sent him a document that outlines how many Federal Electorates have more than 5000 Koalas. Only 6. It is truly shocking.

I have also “scrawled” all over the maps and asked the following questions or comments.

These maps have taken me nearly 30 years to produce. I got my OAM for them. They have cost $10m at least. AKF has raised all the money.

Mr Turnbull wants companies to be “nimble”. Do we fit that? Will the Koala go to extinction on his watch?

Will he listen to us?



Prime Minister –  You will be shocked to know that current Government maps are in Queensland are completely wrong.  These are accurate.

Prime Minister – When we were at school we learnt that trees bring rain.  Do you honestly think that rain will return with the loss of these forests?

New South Wales

Prime Minister – AKF cannot complete these maps and nor can industry.  

Prime Minister – How can coal mines be approved when you do not have vegetation data and worse still; bureaucratic apathy like this letter from NSW.

Prime Minister – Why does the NSW Government have no vegetation data?  


Prime Minister – Why did the Victorian Government miss out on a federal Koala listing?

From 1980 to 1927 – approximately 8 million skins were exported from Australia.  Most of them from these forests.

Prime Minister – Do you think it is fair that the Koala, who brings $3b to our shores should have to eat “pumpkin” for 34 years and then get culled!

South Australia

Prime Minister – if the SA had better vegetation data, we would know more.

Dr. Douglas Kerlin and I put them all on the floor here at the office and if the Prime Minister does the same – I think he will be convinced that the Koala is in trouble.

Let us see what he does?

Please write to him and tell him to “lay the maps on the floor, make a coffee and ingest what you are seeing in this graphic display of science at its best”.


Tweet: @TurnbullMalcolm



11 November 2015 –

Hi all, I am very pleased and proud to announce that my first book, titled Koala Stories, has been released today and is now available for purchase from Save The Koala Shop! It will make a gorgeous ...


14th September 2015

14 September 2015 –

On Friday, the AKF was sent some unsettling photographs.  Warning - they are slightly graphic. Click here to view them. You would have noticed that there is a wound that looks like a bullet hole...


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