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20th April 2012

20 April 2011 –

 Mum has been so busy in the last couple of days but it has been great. Journalists have been coming to our house and I got to go on camera. Have a look at the koalas  Facebook  to see what it is all about. I am a little bit of a media hog in that regard you know, but don’t tell anyone. Mum has been saying lots of things about trees coming down and sometimes I don’t listen, but this morning I really learnt what it feels like. Because we have had so much rain over the last two years a big tree nearly fell on our house, so this morning a lot of noisy men came to cut it down. All our trees have lots of boxes for my friends the possums and they were all so scared. Mum said this is what happens to the koalas. People cut their trees down and they have nowhere to go.

Luckily Mum chose some men that are really careful and this poor little possum was so frightened we had to wait for him to realise that he had another box to jump into. Tim, Polly and me all waited and guess what – he jumped right onto the verandah with us. It was so exciting, but I don’t think he will be feeling very well for a day or two. That must be shocking really.  

Mum said I have to tell everybody about this. Can you imagine having your house knocked over and then not having anywhere to go? That would be like being homeless. I cannot even bear to think about being homeless.  I love my home very much and next week, I am going to my second home – Quinlans.    Did I tell you I wasn’t able to go the last time Mum went because we heard there was a big snake under the house? Not one of those python things that eat the chickens, but a really nasty one that kills people (I wonder if they kill dogs?). Red-belly black Mum said. Anyway, I am hoping he has gone away and Mum said I have to be very, very careful.     

There is also going to be a Bush-Tucker lunch on the 27 th  May – visit the  Quinlan’s section  of Mum’s website and you can come and meet me.  Hooray! Oh and I forgot, we had a baby Black Cockatoo and his parents in our paddock this morning. Gosh they are big and noisy. 


28th April 2011

28 April 2011 –

Did you know that chocolate is really bad for dogs?. Mum had little kids over at Easter time and they were not allowed to give me chocolate, but we had lots of bones instead. I think they taste better...


14th April 2011

14 April 2011 –

You know those things I told you about ages ago, the things that have long tails and yell a lot. Well I now know what they are. They are cats! The reason it has taken so long to find out, is because I...


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