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24th March 2015

24 March 2015 –

Charlie has been going places with Mum and I have been left behind.   Gee, the whole problem with leadership is that you get so much responsibility.    Mum said because I am a big dog now I have to be a great leader to Miss Bennett and Charlie, but I think it can get quite boring.

Charlie playing with his friends Bandi and Buster

I have a feeling Charlie went to Quinlans without me actually.   Not sure, but you sort of get a feeling about such things when he comes home smelling of the bush.

Mum found this old photo of me and Miss Bennett and now I do the night shift for Charlie and Miss Bennett looks after him during the day.   He is a good little pup, very smart from what I hear from the humans around, but I think he can just be plain annoying.

So, I am going to get on with things and it is time for Golden Retrievers to unite.  All of us, to save the Koala.

If leadership is needed, then I am ready!

Join the Koala Army


Corporal Darcy


1st April 2015

1 April 2015 –

I've heard Mum and some other humans talking about 'wild dogs' recently.  Mum said they're different to Dingoes. Dingoes are 'an important part of the ecosystem', whatever that means. Some ...


16th February 2015

16 February 2015 –

You know, Mum says that I am just a little, well, maybe a lot, just a little bit, teensy weensy bit JEALOUS of my new brother Charlie. Everyone says he is so cute...         ...


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