Hi Koala lovers! 2016 is an Australian election year and the AKF will continue to encourage Australian federal political leaders to support the protection of the Koala via a Koala Protection Act. Last year I wrote two letters to the 128 politicians that live in existing or former Koala habitat. Please take a minute to read them here. Some have replied and this letter seems to sum up how they all feel. Take a read here.
They realise I have no faith in the process but they just continue to be content to allow the Minister for the Environment (Mr. Greg Hunt) to do his job. Even though Mr. Hunt was awarded the best Environment Minister in the world, I am afraid I would not have supported that endorsement. I have lost total faith in him. I find it incredible that he would not even want to know what we are thinking in our endeavours to save the Koala.
He just responds to my emails with a “cheers”.
So, this year is about telling all of our political leaders what we, the people, want.
I know that all of you who read this Diary want the Koala protected and more importantly I know that most of the world would do anything to help the Koala.
So join the Koala Army – that is your way of helping and as we approach an election, I want all of you to speak for the Koala. You will be told what to do by Urban. He is becoming very focussed this year which is great and has even recruited a friend that could make a huge difference. Says Urban: "We need you! Keep up to date with our Commander In Chief's (CIC) Deborah's Diary."
Koalas cannot make donations to protect their habitat. Companies however, can make donations – to destroy koala habitat. When I saw this clip from one of our famous comedians, it said everything I think. Please take the time to watch it – it will make you laugh, but what he is saying is deadly serious. Watch clip here. We have no idea who and what companies are donating and why. I have seen that first hand in a Senate Inquiry in 2011: leaders of industry pleading to not help the Koala.
So have a giggle and then, like me, get determined to show our pollies (Australian slang for Politician) what we are made of.
Over and out as Urban would say.