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save a koala

25th Febuary 2013

25 February 2013 –

Quinlans was just fantastic and Miss Bennett (who you can see is on a lead) and I saw the cows on our front paddock.   They are there to eat all the grass and also fertilize the paddock for us to grow our Bush Tucker in the future.    Miss Bennett was very bossy with them and Mum said “no”, quite a few times.

We were there for nearly 5 days and it rained and rained and rained and rained and like always over these past few summers we have had to wade through our creek.   Mum said quite a few ladies, dressed in lovely dresses also had to do that.  I was safely tucked up in bed with Miss Bennett so I didn’t see that.

Mum said it is going to be a busy year and our meetings (lots of them) at Quinlans really showed what we have to do to save Koalas.

As you know I am Corporal Darcy in the Koala Army so time to get all your dogs recruited.   People think dogs only kill koalas, but I don’t and that means we need all the dogs in the world to join the  Koala Army to help us .  


18th March 2013

18 March 2013 –

Mum said I am very clever because I am teaching Miss Bennett everything I know and that means I am very smart. Mum said that, not me! Yesterday 3 big cockatoos came into our backyard and I “told�...


28th January 2013

28 January 2013 –

Mum said Miss Bennett is allowed to come to Quinlans for our strategic planning meeting (whatever that is).   That means I get to show her everything including the billabong at the front gat...


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