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25th June 2012

26 June 2012 –

I am currently attending the IABC Conference in Chicago. You may remember I won the IABC Excel Award last year and this year I had the privilege of handing over the trophy to the next winner – Ms. Irene Lewis from SAIT Polytechnic in Canada. She and I are now the first two women to win this Award.

It felt great to be back. IABC are a group of communicators and hanging around with internal and external communicators makes you realise that this is key to everything. The quality of presentations at this Conference are always fascinating and tomorrow Mr. Robert Kennedy is keynote speaker about the environment. I am looking forward to that very much.

In Washington DC I met with American lawyers about the Bald Eagle Act and our vision for a Koala Protection Act.  However, while away I have been watching with great interest the workshops that are taking place about the Koala's listing. I am hoping that even though the EPBC Act has its limitations the vulnerable listing is going to have better decision making because companies that threaten koala habitat will need to lift their game environmentally.

I am sad to see conservative politicians seeing this as a problem and of course here in the United States there is similar rhetoric.  Mr. Kennedy's speech will be on such matters so I look forward to bringing new and innovative ideas home with me.

In the meantime remember to encourage colleagues and friends to support the Koala Army and that September is Save the Koala Month.

Anyway you can help would be great appreciated.




23rd July 2012

23 July 2012 –

I am back in Australia and very glad to be home. Sometimes though, looking at things from far away can give you new perspectives and I must confess I have returned home, like all Australians very grat...


4th June 2012

4 June 2012 –

  I think in years to come, last week will be seen as an historic moment.   I went to Canberra to be with Senator Bob Brown (a famous and incredibly respected politician and conservati...


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