Mum is away and we miss her very much. I want her to come home but she says she is learning a lot about how to protect the Koalas in Victoria and South Australia. How can people not want to protect all koalas – that is like saying that you can be nasty to some Golden Retrievers and not others. Hmmm… Anyway, I have missed writing to you, but I just had to say that Mum will be home soon and Frank and all the others, even though we have lovely babysitters, miss her and it is very cold. Mum said it is hot where she is staying – I wonder how that can be?

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26th June 2012
26 June 2012 –
23rd July 2012
23 July 2012 –
OK Mum is back and she told me that I am going to be very very busy over the next couple of months and guess what I will be two years old in October. She said I am starting to look like a DOG, n...
4th June 2012
4 June 2012 –
Mum said I have to tell you what happened at Quinlan’s at the Bush Tucker Lunch last weekend. When Mum saw me with a piece of chicken on a big metal stick that should hav...