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29 June 2016

30 June 2016 –
Matilda is doing a GREAT job on the road and certainly  visiting the same hot spots  as Australia's four leaders, all of who have refused to sign the  statutory declarations  supporting the Koala Protection Act.
The Prime Minister's team have responded five days out from the election. We appreciate the response (we're yet to hear from Greens, Labor or Nationals leaders), but there's no mention of the Koala Protection Act in their letter. You can read it  here.
It is ironic that they mention economic growth in their standard spiels, as t he Koala is so important to our economy. The Recovery Plan they speak about was supposed to be written and finalised in 2014.
Do you think they're trying to appease a donkey (vote)?
Video here.
Follow Matilda on  Facebook Twitter  and keep up to date at
You can write to the four leaders telling them you want them to support the Koala Protection Act and to sign the statutory declarations.
Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull:  Twitter  /  Email
Leader of the Opposition Mr Bill Shorten:  Twitter  Email
Deputy Prime Minister Mr Barnaby Joyce:  Twitter  Email
Greens Leader Mr Richard di Natale:  Twitter  /  Email
Over and out,


5 July 2016

5 July 2016 –

Attention, As Australia waits to see how our gonvernment will be formed, I'd like to say well done recruits! The Koala Army's diligence has made a huge difference, and we will need your supp...


15 June 2016

15 June 2016 –

Recruits - time for action.   Only one political party has supported Matilda, in her bid for a Koala Protection Act.  All the others have ignored our request to save the Koala. www.vote1ma...


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