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4th June 2012

4 June 2012 –

Mum said I have to tell you what happened at Quinlan’s at the Bush Tucker Lunch last weekend.     

When Mum saw me with a piece of chicken on a big metal stick that should have gone into the Pizza Oven, not my mouth, I told a “fib”. I said it was my best friend Jock who had taken it and he gave it to me. I had invited Jock and Sacha to lunch.  

They came with their human parents and we all had a great time. Mum said not only was I naughty but I also was nasty to my best friend. Hmmmm…I don’t think I am going to do that again. Mum said it because I am still little and that sometimes people whose dogs kills koalas do the same thing. They don’t tell the truth either. They just bury the koalas in their garden or put them in the garbage bin and no-one knows they are missing.  

Imagine what the koala parents think when their little koala has gone missing? Being a grown up is so hard, but I think I now know that it is so important to tell the truth – I am going to try and be good about that forever. I didn’t chase any kangaroos either and we saw some – it was great. 

Anyway, have a look at all the fabulous photos – the rest of the time was just great.  Don’t I look handsome?


26th June 2012

26 June 2012 –

Mum is away and we miss her very much. I want her to come home but she says she is learning a lot about how to protect the Koalas in Victoria and South Australia. How can people not want to protect al...


25th May 2012

25 May 2012 –

Oh my goodness, I am famous – look at me, when I was little, on the blog of  There is a girl called Cathy who really fancies me and she wrote lovely things ...


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