Hello Koala lovers!
It's been a busy work in the AKF office with a couple of curiously synchronised goings-on in Queensland and New South Wales – with no action from the Federal Government.
I have written to the Queensland Minister for Planning and Deputy Premier, the Hon. Jacklyn Trad , regarding the released draft of South-East Queensland Regional Plan . This plan will outline the priorities for the state for the next 50 years. In the extensive document, the conservation of Koalas and Koala habitats has been relegated to just 47 words. My letter to Minister Trad puts forward recommendations from the AKF in the absence of any meaningful proposals from the Queensland Government.
In New South Wales, the Minister for Environment, the Hon. Gabrielle Upton, and her Department will be holding Community Consultations throughout the state to discuss the NSW Koala Strategy. These Consultations are based on a report handed down by the NSW Chief Scientist in December 2016, despite the shocking lack of state-wide vegetation mapping used to formulate recommendations. This letter to Minister Upton on the NSW Koala Strategy is also available on our website.
As it stand right now, the Federal Minister for the Environment, Josh Frydenberg, is the custodian of the Koala. It is the responsibility of him and his Department to take the initiative on a Federal approach through the implementation of a Koala Protection Act. Time and time again we are seeing governments pass the buck on Koala and Koala habitat conservation.
There is no more time to keep asking questions – now is the time for answers.
Take the time to read our submissions and make sure Josh Frydenberg, as custodian of the Koala, knows the weight of responsibility he now carries.