Hi Koala lovers,
I've been having a great time with Matilda and my team on the road so far, meeting the locals and spreading the word about the Koala Protection Act. Be sure to keep up with her travels at:
Hi Koala lovers,
I've been having a great time with Matilda and my team on the road so far, meeting the locals and spreading the word about the Koala Protection Act. Be sure to keep up with her travels at:
You can see what we've been up to in the video below.
We want the people of Australia to really consider who they're voting for in this election; does your local member support the Koala Protection Act? If you read the below Courier Mail article you will understand our mission more clearly. (click picture to make bigger)
I would also like to make a few things about the Koala Protection Act clear. After 30 years in my job, I know that it is the only thing that will work.
The Australian Greens have announced a plan for a new independent environmental watchdog, along the lines of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the United States. By and large AKF supports this, but without strong legislation like the Koala Protection Act, Koala populations will continue to suffer.
In the US, the EPA absolutely has a regulatory role in protecting the environment, but it is supported by the Bald Eagle Act, which brought their national icon back from extinction. The Koala Protection Act is based upon that simple piece of legislation, because it worked. AKF wants nothing less, and the Koala needs it now. I took advice from the USA on this very issue.
So, coming up to the election on July 2, Matilda and I expect all leaders to sign the statutory declaration we've sent them
You can write to the four leaders telling them you want them to support the Koala Protection Act ( Prime Minister Mr Malcolm Turnbull
; Leader of the Opposition Mr Bill Shorten
; Deputy Prime Minister Mr Barnaby Joyce
; and Senator Mr Richard di Natale
Thanks for all of your support.
Fond regards,
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