This week Deborah Tabart, OAM CEO Australian Koala Foundation has received a royal letter from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, thanking the Australian Koala Foundation for the Koala Backpack sent to young Prince George.
In April Prince George arrived in Australia for the First time. He was on the ground for less than an hour, however a photograph was taken of the young Prince carrying a Kangaroo Backpack.

Within hours the Daily Mail (U.K.) had contacted Deborah and confirmed that the Australian Koala Foundation did indeed sell the Kangaroo Backpack. News spread quickly and orders started flooding in from around the world. Since that date just under 2,000 Kangaroo Backpacks ( found online here ) have sold.
In thanks Deborah Tabart sent Prince George a Koala Backpack to match as well as announce that the Australian Koala Foundation will plant a small forest of Eucalyptus trees in the Prince’s honour.