Hey cool Koalas,
Elvis here and I am now officially the Mascot for all Koala loving dogs in the whole world! Mr. Darcy is not sure that I am TOTALLY ready for the role, but here I go. Mum will make sure that I learn what I have to do and first things first – teach my fellow dogs to NEVER KILL A KOALA . That means when we go for a walk we have to be on a lead (I walk very well on a lead by the way) and I am like Mr. Darcy, I always sleep, oh, sit in Board meetings so I do not disturb Mum and her friends at the office. I also go to Quinlans; whoopee and Ian loves me too. Mum says I am still a little naughty about thinking snakes are fun to chase and well, I think I might have disturbed one of the wallabies at Quinlans too. Mum said in a stern voice “No Elvis” and she thinks I will “grow up” and not do it. It was fun though.
So, I am officially in the building and intend to take on the very good work of Mr. Darcy who is loving retirement.
See you soon,
Elvis (I look cool don’t you think?)