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From the Desk of the AKF

4 April 2012 –

Where did last year go? We probably need to apologise for the lack of good communication. All we can say is that we have just been flat out with the Senate Inquiry and with huge changes here at AKF.   When we last wrote, we did so with some degree of enthusiasm. “Hopefully our next newsletter will contain some good news about the future of the koala as a result of the Senate Inquiry”. A year has passed by and this has yet to come to a point. After countless delays by Minister Burke we continue to wait on a decision, however, the likely outcome is becoming clearer and clearer by the day. AKF’s CEO Deborah Tabart OAM is convinced that Minister Burke will declare protection for koalas located in some areas, but not for others. This would not be a good outcome for the koala and the AKF is dedicated to only one thing – a complete national listing. If this doesn’t happen we know which direction we must head towards, a new piece of legislation- a National Koala Act.  We have been discussing it for many years and Deborah wishes we had directed all our efforts there, instead of wasting so much time on a process which is clearly broken.  

This long process has brought to the surface how incapable the EPBC Act is of protecting the koala. So, on the 30th April we will be relieved to see an end to the bureaucratic nonsense. It’s time to focus on implementing our plans and you will begin to see this attitude reflecting in everything we do. With a brand new team in place, we aim to distribute a monthly newsletter so you are always kept informed, up to date and also entertained.  Deborah and Mr Darcy’s Diary will also keep you up to date. Our website is almost completely finished and working, so look out for daily changes and messages. 

While reading this newsletter you will learn of some of the wonderful people we have supporting the AKF. In particular, we have shared a long and proud association with the Girl Guides who recently invited Deborah, a Brownie from way back, to speak at their AGM. After taking a trip down memory lane, Deborah discovered a photo of her Girl Guide group the 2 nd Canterbury division. It was taken at the Yarra Junction Guide House on the 3rd September 1960. In the spirit of friendship we would love to reconnect with you. If you are in this photo or know someone who is please send an email to .

Until next time the AKF team wishes you all a very happy and safe Easter!


Aussie Icon Under Threat (Video)

10 April 2012 –

It's estimated that there are fewer than 100,000 koalas left in Australia, so why is it so hard to agree on a national approach to save them? Australian Koala Foundation CEO Deborah Tabart OAM discuss...


Saving an Aussie Icon from the Other Side of the World

4 April 2012 –

We would like to introduce you to one of our ardent supporters Veronique Kuijer from the Netherlands. Veronique has been actively involved with the Australian Koala Foundation since 2001 and makes it ...


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