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Geo-enabling our community

24 November 2016 –

AKF landscape ecologist Dave Mitchell will be in Canberra this week to present the power of the AKF’s maps and their potential to address issues of development, community, and protecting our vulnerable biodiversity all in one fell swoop. 

Imagine if the Federal Government bought access to the Koala Habitat Atlas in each local council area. There are 260 local government areas (LGAs) covering the 1.5 million hectares of the Koala’s geographic range. Local councils with Koala habitat are currently spending hundreds of thousands of dollars in an attempt to resolve conflicts between developers and the community. Using the KHA at a modest cost of around $10,000 per LGA – a total of $3 million per year – would resolve these conflicts.

To learn more about Dave’s presentation,  please read our press release


AKF welcomes 2017 as the year to gain final support for the Koala Protection Act

18 January 2017 –

The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) currently estimates there are between 44,920 and 85,495 Koalas left in the wild.  When you consider that more than 8 million Koalas were killed for their fur...


Before the Flood

24 November 2016 –

In the lead up to the United States' presidential election, National Geographic released a film with Leonardo di Caprio titled Before The Flood, which was available to view for free on YouTu...


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