Welcome to the next two lessons of the ‘Koala Army’s Guide to Democracy.‘
In this instalment, Urban will be exploring the Rule of Law, and what the public can do should they feel an elected offical is not upholding their promise to follow them. He will also look at Lobbyistsand the role they play in politics, particularly in election campaigns. Watch out for them ahead of the Australian election in 2025!
Our local councils and bureaucracy should follow and apply laws once they are enacted. We can appeal to the courts (Local, State, & Federal) if laws are broken.
We the people, vote for a government that will enact laws we believe will benefit our society. NO ONE is above the law.
Lobbyists and special interest groups can sometimes influence politicians to enact or NOT enact laws to benefit themselves and their business.
Politicians should always represent ‘the people’, not lobbyists.
Stay tuned for the next lessons and SHAREwith everyone you can!
Also you can keep up to date by following us on Twitter. #KADemocracy
You can learn more about the ‘Mischief’ by watching Urban’s special investigative interviews.