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Koalas and Disease Nonsense

4 September 2015 –


There are two major diseases that are thought to be impacting Koalas: Chlamydia and Koala Retrovirus (KoRV). 

Studies show that both have likely been with Koalas for thousands of years.  KoRV may have been invading the Koala germ line for as long as 50,000 years.

It has also been suggested that some strains of chlamydia may have been passed to Koalas from domestic live stock, suggesting transmission after European settlement. Those strains of Chlamydia are pretty rare.  Again, generally the evidence suggests Koalas have had  chlamydia for thousands of years .

So, why does Government continue to fund research into disease? 

So they will not have to put constraints on industry. It is far easier, and sounds far more caring  to fund researchers instead of stopping trees being cut down.  

If you have no food, you get sick. 

You must ask the question: Why were there 10 million Koalas before European settlement?  Why hadn’t disease killed them off then?   Because the Indigenous people of Australia did not destroy landscapes. They worked in harmony with their world.

That isn’t nonsense, that is something we should learn from.


Bogabbri Offsets

13 September 2015 –

Q: WHEN IS AN OFFSET NOT AN OFFSET?   A: When the rules change and the offset area gets developed. Like me, I bet you thought that offset areas are permanent. The NSW Biodiversity Offset...


Happy Save The Koala Month!

1 September 2015 –

Today marks the first day of Save The Koala Month - a celebration, fundraiser and awareness campaign led by us, all in the name of helping our furry Aussie icon.   Often in the spotlight, A...


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