Welcome lessons 3 & 4 of the ‘Koala Army’s Guide to Democracy.’
Koalas want the Koala Protection Act. But first, the Koala Army must understand HOW to do so. Pidgeon Squadron leader Bill Jr is here to explain how democracy works, and how the Koala Protection Actcan get enacted!
Lesson 3:
The Parliamentary System in Australia
The Koala Protection Act
must be enacted on a FEDERALlevel.
When the KPA is in place – all levels of government will have to abide by the rules.
As a federal law, the Koala Protection Act will protect ALLKoala habitat throughout Australia. No Tree, No Me . If it is a Koala habitat tree, then you must not cut it down.
Lesson 4:
Rule of Law
We ‘the people,’vote for a government that will enact laws we believe will benefit our society. NO ONE is above the law.
Our local councils and bureaucracy should follow and apply laws once they are enacted. We can appeal to the courts (Local, State & Federal) if laws are broken.
See Lessons 5 & 6