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More urban Koalas…

16 October 2018 –

Gym Koala

Urban Koala


One of our under cover operatives was caught on CCTV recently getting ready for 2019 and our campaign to get a Koala Protection Act . She wanted her joey to be fit and ready to protect his bush – the world will be saved by joeys and cubs like him or her.

Luckily most humans think “all Koalas look the same”, so no concerns for her to return to the bush continuing to speak out to the bush brigades.  

Over and out,



Say ‘NO’ to Plastic

24 October 2018 –

Recruits, How shocking is this? And you can make a difference. No straws, no plastic, and certainly put all your plastic in recycle bins. Even when you are in the city - take the time to think - "c...


Ready Steady Swarm

10 October 2018 –

Recruits, Meet our new recruit in the fight for a Koala Protection Act and boy, can her troops sting! Not sure if you know but the bees are in trouble like me and my mates. All the Koala trees o...


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