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MUM was on the Radio!

10 June 2021 –

MUM was just on the radio! Two programmes! Late Night Live with Phillip Adams and Between The Lines with Tom Switzer ! She discussed all things Koala: their history and the current threats that are forcing them to the brink. Make sure you check them out! I am so proud of my MUM and how she fights for the Koala!

Over and Out,

Mr Darcy


Cute Hats!

11 June 2021 –

These hats are remarkably similar to our fabulous Koala hats! Over and Out, Mr Darcy  ...


Sometimes We Just Need A Cuddle

7 June 2021 –

Looks like this fella really needed a cuddle. What a lovely story! I love getting cuddles from my MUM who loves me so much. I have to be a good boy and be patient because she can't give me cuddles all...


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