Dear All, I think the words of Koala Campaigner, Nerida (see below) , is all I need to say in this blog. I have sent the photos and words to Canberra in preparation for the November 10th Scientific Meeting which will discuss whether the koala is at risk.
You just have to wonder how this can happen – what constraints were put on this developer – it would appear none if all the trees had been cut down.
Make your views known – write to both Premier Bligh and Minister Garrett and tell them how you feel about this.
Regards, Deborah
I was at north brisbane (Kallangar) the other day looking at the display villages of new homes….when it struck me that all these gum trees had been cut down….when we went into the nearly completed construction site of homes….there was this little guy…. who seem confused & lost….wondering where his home was? Before my emotions kicked in, I managed to take this photo with my phone as one of the sales people had called a koala handler in the area who unfortunately had to remove him to a new tree orientated area.
My point being….this WAS his home area….if a functional plan was or is doing the correct job, we should not see this type of thing EVER!
It was sad…..(tears are still falling even now).
Nerida, Koala Campaigner