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blog post

11th August 2014

11 August 2014 –

Save the Koala Month is coming up and I do hope that many of you will find the time to spread the word about the AKF, and our mission to get a Koala Protection Act for the Koala.   Our fu...

11th August 2014

11 August 2014 –

Recruits, The Commander in Chief and her trusted Generals are currently in the Operations Room developing a strategy for the enactment of a Koala Protection Act. The document is written but until it...

11th August 2014

11 August 2014 –

Quinlans was just fantastic and I got to meet the family of Peter and Julanne who gave it to the Koalas. I was a fantastic at helping clear up after all the meals and there were 7 little kids that ...

28th July 2014

28 July 2014 –

I am going to Quinlans tomorrow – and all the team at AKF are coming too. ...

Australian Koala Foundation Receives Royal Mail

24 July 2014 –

This week Deborah Tabart, OAM CEO Australian Koala Foundation has received a royal letter from The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, thanking the Australian Koala Foundation for the Koala Backpack sent t...

26th June 2014

1 July 2014 –

I just counted up how many emails I have sent to either the Federal Minister, Mr. Greg Hunt ( or his senior staff over the last few months. It is approximately 30 and they cov...

Australian Koala Foundation issues warning on the Watermark Coal Project in Gunnedah NSW

25 June 2014 –

The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) has today lodged a submission with the Planning Assessment Commission currently reviewing the Watermark Coal Project for the New South Wales Government, warning o...

18th June 2014

18 June 2014 –

This is my cat brother, Mick and we love each other. It is cold here in our house and Mum lets us sit by the fire because it is winter time. He hogs it! But I don't mind because I am a good do...

AKF Submission to Inquiry into Bilateral Amendment Bill

2 June 2014 –

The Australian Koala Foundation has written to a Federal Government Senate Inquiry to raise some of our concerns regarding the Federal Government’s ‘one-stop shop’ policy.  The AKF is conce...

12th May 2014

12 May 2014 –

Hello to all our supporters, I decided to write a "happy" email today because the last couple of months have been pretty joyous from the AKF's point of view and of course I mean worldwi...


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