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blog post

12th May 2014

12 May 2014 –

Miss Bennett is getting very bossy and even getting bigger than me.   Mum said that is because her father was HUGE!   He was a Maremma and they love to look after things and they are very bi...

Prince George helps sell 1,000 children’s backpacks in two days

23 April 2014 –

Tomorrow Prince George will arrive on Australian soil for only the second time. His first visit, of less than an hour, made headlines around the world. What his second visit will bring is anyone’s g...

From the point of view of a koala, any ‘offset’ program is ridiculous

3 April 2014 –

I was sitting in the department of the environment in Queensland about 10 years ago when I first heard about “offsets”. The Australian Koala Foundation and others had been invited in for a briefin...

18th March 2014

18 March 2014 –

Hello Troops, The Commander and I are sorry that we have not communicated for quite a while.   There has been a changing of the Guard in Canberra and there are even more disturbing thoughts...

18th March 2014

18 March 2014 –

Hello to all Koala lovers,   (more…)...

10th March 2014

10 March 2014 –

Hi everyone, Miss Bennett and I are now quite peaceful about the loss of our family, Tim and Polly but we miss them every day. Mum said that this must be what Koala families feel when one of their ...

18th February 2014

18 February 2014 –

Koala pooh found at Quinlans! Gosh, and I wasn't there! Click here to find out more....

The Quinlan’s Made the Right Decision

18 February 2014 –

“Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) research teams made an exciting discovery at their much loved Quinlan’s property last week and of course it was;  Koala pooh!   It would have been bett...

12th February 2014

12 February 2014 –

Hello everyone, You know Mum says that being a vegetarian would be really good for the planet, but that it is very difficult to give up eating meat. Because I am a dog, then being a vegetarian does...

29th January 2014

29 January 2014 –

As you are likely aware, the Koala was listed as a federal species under the Federal Government’s Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act in May 2012.  Finally there was ...


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