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blog post

20th August, 2012

20 August 2012 –

Over the weekend I spent several hours on the phone to United States attorneys about the Koala Protection Bill.   As you know AKF has wanted this for many years and I am now convinced that i...

16th August 2012

16 August 2012 –

Board meeting today, so I am very busy.  It is our busiest time of the year.  I just  had to go out for a quick walk and met some lovely girls from John Paul College who just thought I ...

Supporter of the Month – August 2012

3 August 2012 –

Our supporter of the month, Paul D. May is a passionate “eco-warrior”. Thanks to his perseverance and his thirst for knowledge he has met various environmentalists, including Deborah Tabart, whose...

Volunteering at the Australian Koala Foundation

3 August 2012 –

  We get a lot of people enquiring about VOLUNTEERING at AKF and we thought we should let you know what it's like. I have been volunteering for 3 months now and I can’t tell you how much I h...

23rd July 2012

23 July 2012 –

I am back in Australia and very glad to be home. Sometimes though, looking at things from far away can give you new perspectives and I must confess I have returned home, like all Australians very grat...

23rd July 2012

23 July 2012 –

 OK Mum is back and she told me that I am going to be very very busy over the next couple of months and guess what I will be two years old in October. She said I am starting to look like a DOG, n...

26th June 2012

26 June 2012 –

Mum is away and we miss her very much. I want her to come home but she says she is learning a lot about how to protect the Koalas in Victoria and South Australia. How can people not want to protect al...

25th June 2012

26 June 2012 –

I am currently attending the IABC Conference in Chicago. You may remember I won the IABC Excel Award last year and this year I had the privilege of handing over the trophy to the next winner –&n...

4th June 2012

4 June 2012 –

Mum said I have to tell you what happened at Quinlan’s at the Bush Tucker Lunch last weekend.      When Mum saw me with a piece of chicken on a big metal stick that should hav...

4th June 2012

4 June 2012 –

  I think in years to come, last week will be seen as an historic moment.   I went to Canberra to be with Senator Bob Brown (a famous and incredibly respected politician and conservati...


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