I am being cheeky with this Diary and sending it to you on April Fool’s Day because I am so sick of the fools in Government trying to convince us, the people, that the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) will work, either in its current form or the way they want it to work after the review , which is due to report later this year in October.
One of our supporters has already gone on the Australian Government website and wrote in support of the Koala Protection Act . She inspired me to think that we, those that have the time and patience, should also say what we think.
As always, it is an arduous process, and I know how busy you all are. But I have taken the liberty of suggesting below what you could say to the 32 questions in the review process. And of course you can write whatever you like in support of our beautiful flora and fauna. The submission end date is 17 April.
My Suggested Answers
- Name
- Individual or Organisation
- Other: Koala lover and conservation supporter
- In or outside Australia
- Yes or No
- Other: Koalas
- Yes or No
- The EPBC Act does not protect Koalas; they need the Koala Protection Act
- Industry has not met the requirements of the current EPBC Act. If they had, Koala habitats would be safe
- The Koala does not have time for a review and needs the Koala Protection Act right now; it will lead the way to better protection of all species
- Yes, include the Koala Protection Act
- Yes, enact the Koala Protection Act
- The Koala Protection Act will protect Koala trees – that simple
- Standardised mapping of Koala habitat
- Of course!
- The Koala Protection Act articulates the answer to this Question
- Yes
- Actually controlling industry to meet environmental standards instead of finding loopholes
- Effective Consultation
- Yes and have good mapping – the key to all good decisions
- No
- There is no low risk projects for Koalas. Good mapping is essential
- Yes the Koala Protection Act does this
- No – the States are incapable of protecting the Koala – See 2011 Senate Report which made that point
- No
- Yes
- Yes community representation should be increased
- Legislation that is not complicated – the Koala Protection Act – it seeks to protect vegetation
- More knowledge and resources in the Department – that has been whittled away over the years
- The EPBC Act is supposed to protect species and habitats and enforcing their protection by law
- Offsets do not work and should not be considered at this time in history; it only appeases industry
- It does already and industry takes it all
- The Koala Protection Act
- No
- Not at all well and not in a consistent fashion
- It must include the Koala Protection Act – the fires have shown how important the Koala is to the landscape
- The Koala Protection Act that reverses the onus of proof onto the proponent, not the community
- If the existing law worked, the Koalas would be safe
- You have to keep large forests in tact and that can only happen with stronger legislation