Hi to everyone. Happy Save the Koala Day! Let us hope that by the end of the month the Australian Government has made the right decision to list the koala as vulnerable.
If you haven't already done so, please send a letter to the new Environment Minister Mr Tony Burke . I am so happy to see our Koala
Campaigners writing their letters, and so quickly! I am sure Minister Burke’s staff are now well and truly aware of how much you, the people of the world, love koalas and how you expect our Government to protect it.
I was very disappointed to see from one email that Minister Garrett’s office had 'just deleted all the emails', seemingly without reading them. It would appear that none had been read since March of this year, several months prior to the election in August. This is very disappointing and perhaps shows a lack of commitment to their jobs. I personally expect more of our leaders.
This says to me that good old fashioned snail mail may be just as important, so we have provided postal address details for those who are willing. It is so easy to delete an email, but very difficult to tear up letters. When I used to work for a Minister back in the 1970s in Canberra, every letter had to have a reply, and it shows how different things are these days. Anyway, we must all keep up the pressure. Australians – you might also consider writing a letter with a good old fashioned stamp to the Prime Minister – especially as she has now moved into the Lodge:
The Hon Julia Gillard MP
The Lodge
Canberra ACT 2600
Now I would also like you to watch our latest video
which encourages you all to have a fundraising function for the koala, with rewards for those who register on our website. We've called it ' Get Creative for Koalas' and it shows that saving koalas can be fun.
Remember, the AKF has never taken one single Government dollar. This allows us to be completely free to speak for the koala, something I am more and more grateful for each day. And when you support the AKF it really says to me that you like what we are saying.
Finally, and I am sure it is no secret, Ms Oprah Winfrey is coming to Australia in December. I have written to Oprah ( read the letter here ) inviting her to come bush to see wild koalas and also, probably more importantly, to shine a light on the plight of the koala. Oprah is an amazing example of how one person can achieve so much, and she usually never shies away from controversy when she believes something needs to be changed. We are hoping that she will accept my invitation.
As always, please send me your thoughts, ideas and suggestions – I read each and every email you send, and I greatly appreciate them.
Have a great Save the Koala Day – talk again soon.
Regards, Deborah