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September is Save The Koala Month
2 August 2016 –
It’s time to start thinking of fabulous ways to raise funds for the Australian Koala Foundation! Save The Koala Month is every September and is the chance for koala lovers to host a creative fundraising event, big or small, anywhere in the world. Previous events have included everything from community barbeques to cake stalls, and donation boxes in your workplaces or local community centres make a big difference too.
It’s time to start thinking of fabulous ways to raise funds for the Australian Koala Foundation! Save The Koala Month is every September and is the chance for koala lovers to host a creative fundraising event, big or small, anywhere in the world. Previous events have included everything from community barbeques to cake stalls, and donation boxes in your workplaces or local community centres make a big difference too.
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(under ‘Join Us’) for more information about Save The Koala Month and the AKF.
Don’t forget that Save The Koala Day falls on Friday, September 30th this year!
Upgrade Highway And Protect Koalas: Labor
9 August 2016 –
'A local koala population can live alongside the upgrade to the Pacific Highway in northern NSW, the state opposition says. NSW Labor environment spokeswoman Penny Sharpe says the upgrade near Ball...
The next three years
5 July 2016 –
The AKF, like all Australians, is waiting until our new Government is formed and ready to enact a Koala Protection Act. We now have great clarity about what we need to do over the next three y...