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Thursday 21st October 2010

10 June 2010 –

I was exhausted when I got home last night, but very happy to be back in the office this morning. Everything seems familiar and I think I have home sorted out too. This morning at home I met these things called ‘chooks’. Mum was collecting funny looking round things, and I thought I would bark at her and them. Mum didn’t like that much. She said “OK – into the chook pen with you” and guess what, they are huge! And these feathery things called chooks all agreed that I should be told “don’t speak to us like that young man”. Phew, was I glad to get out of there. They have very sharp beaks. I have heard that it is great to chase them, but I have a feeling I am not going to be allowed to.


Friday 22nd October 2010

10 June 2010 –

Mum is at an important lunch today so I have come in to help out the girls at the office. I have been very busy patrolling to office making sure everything is in its right place. I am looking forward ...


Wednesday 20th October 2010

10 June 2010 –

Mum picked me up at Murgon in Queensland two days ago. I was born in the bush and I am now 8 weeks old - a perfect time to leave my birth mother. I have been very busy getting to know Dane, Polly and ...


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