Last night I picked up a cane toad and Mum got so cross she yelled “PUT THAT TOAD DOWN MR DARCY”. Needless to say I dropped it immediately. Then Mum nearly drowned me when she tried to wash my mouth out. I don’t think she got much sleep last night she kept coming into the Doggie Dormatory and checking on me.

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Thursday 2nd December 2010
2 December 2010 –
Tuesday 7th December 2010
7 December 2010 –
I have a little bit of paint on my nose today, I was helping paint the dormitory at Quinlans yesterday. Mum and I are talking to Sonya at Mooloolaba Tafe today. I hope she will include my blog in her ...
Monday 29th November 2010
29 November 2010 –
Mum is starting to call me "Sweetie" and that is not my name - it is Mr. Darcy. She says it to Dane too sometimes because he is so nice and patient with me. Had a great weekend playing at home. Polly ...