It’s time for this KOALA WARto end!
Read the Commander in Chief’s:
Message to Glasgow
Also read: The Koala Manifesto
Over and out
It’s time for this KOALA WARto end!
Read the Commander in Chief’s:
Message to Glasgow
Also read: The Koala Manifesto
Over and out
Merry Christmas recruits! We hope you have a great holiday and a Happy New Year! We'll see you all soon for an exciting 2022! Over and out 2021, Urban...
Recruits, big news today from our Commander in Chief. Over and out, Urban The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) has today release alarming figures showing our nation’s most loved creature i...
Koalas are disappearing. Loss of koala habitat and koala food trees (eucalyptus leaves) is the leading koala threat. Our cuddly koalas are loved around the world. Often called a koala bear, they are actually marsupials not koala bears. Please help koalas by supporting the Australian Koala Foundation. Find koala information here - Save the koala!