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Unfamiliar Territory

11 November 2024 –

Hello Koala Lovers,

Australia will be heading for an election within the next few months so the AKF focus right now is hoping that the new Parliament will be receptive to a Koala Protection Act . After the Koala Army’s March for Creatures Great and Small in September, I do think there is more support particularly from independent politicians in Canberra. Let us hope there are more of them into the future.

Federal Minister Plibersek is the AKF’s 15th Environment Minister. I imagine whatever happens – even if her party wins she will not be the 16th, so we have to start all over again!  They can do a lot of damage in that short time and the plight of the Koala has gone from bad to worse over her tenure. The Koala Recovery process is glacial. I see lots of meetings, lots of goodwill of individuals on Zoom (including me) but nothing really advances to get to the key issue; stop cutting down the trees . Stop approving projects that are not in the world’s best interest. And yes, I know some of these projects create jobs, but there is more than enough evidence that new jobs will also come from new technologies – they just do not have the funds to donate (or maybe the desire) to our political parties. Our leaders are captive to money.

In the coming days, we will launch our Koala Army’s Guide to Democracy Booklet which outlines the democratic process here in Australia.

I do fear that a lot of our young citizens do not really understand the power of their vote and although the AKF would never presume to tell people how to vote, we will be encouraging them (and everyone) to consider really thinking through how they are going to vote. It is a huge privilege, even though I appreciate some countries do not agree with compulsory voting. I do. It forces us, as parents to educate our children on thinking clearly about who and what runs their lives into the future.

Does their local member share their value system? Does their local member consider the global issues that are causing havoc around the world? Does their local member think about more than being re-elected in three years time?

I do believe that our climate is changing and many years ago I read this quote from Dr. Lester Brown who said, “The politicians of the future will have to govern in unfamiliar territory” . I think that is right, and not all of them are up to the challenge. They are still thinking about the glory days of the past and I am confident they do not think about what Mother Nature has in store for us all. Australia has certainly seen what she can do.

When I see this image of people in Valencia marching to help clean up and the images of how the climate has warmed over the last 100 years , I know that things are going to get tougher and tougher for us, the average citizen.

Will our political leaders now and into the future really make the hard decisions that are going to be essential to ensure the safety of us all?

The AKF knows where we fit in.

We are about protecting Koala forests and landscapes that are essential for all our futures, not just the Koala and all the creatures great and small that live in those forests.

No Tree No Me .

Thank you all so much for your continued dedication to the AKF and to our mission. When I see donations coming from you, large and small, I feel absolutely privileged to be at my desk.

Sincerely, Deborah


Bush Christmas

9 December 2024 –

Hello Koala Lovers, It is getting closer to Christmas and César, our Finance Manager and I went to a beautiful country city about an hour west of Brisbane last week to buy up big at a Bush Christm...


Heavy on Me

30 September 2024 –

Hello Koala lovers, I am just delighted that on Save the Koala Day, Andy Penkow and his band visited Koala HQ and sang his beautiful new song 'Heavy on Me', dedicated to Koalas. The words are po...


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